Tag Archives | steve watts

Steve Watts Remembrance April 10th
Sunday, April 10th from 1 to 5 pm. Schiele Museum of Natural History 1500 East Garrison Boulevard Gastonia, NC 28054

Steven Miles Watts
1947 – 2016 The thoughtful man that Steve was, he called me right after he saw the photo below just to tell say how much he loved the trip we took together and especially that photo. The trip was an incredible visit to the Camp Fire Club of America, Dan Beard’s resting place, Bear Mountain […]

Kamp Kephart 2016 See below for the Kamp Kephart 2016 class schedule taught by Steve Watts at the Schiele Museum of Natural History in Gastonia, NC. Space is limited so sign up quick! To download the registration form in PDF, click here >>—> KAMP KEPHART 2016. Check out Steve Watts FaceBook Page!

Camping in the Old Style; Oct. 10, 2015
Classic Camping celebrates the Golden Age of Camping in America (1880s – 1920s). This was a time when camping meant sleeping under canvas and cooking over an open fire. It was a time when the most innovative urges of the Industrial Revolution were featured front and center against the backdrop of a vanishing frontier… a […]

Camp-Fire Club of America Hallowed Ground
Steve Watts and I were the fortunate guests of Shawn Orbanic and Camp-Fire Club of America (CFC) for their June Outing these last four days. On this hallowed ground where the likes of Ernest Thompson Seton, Daniel Carter Beard, Warren Miller, Gifford Pinchot and many other Master Woodsmen of yesterday walked, we enjoyed the best […]

Extreme Barbecue with Steve Watts
From the book, Extreme Barbecue: Smokin’ Rigs and 100 Real Good Recipes by Dan Huntley and Lisa Grace Lednicer. Steve Watts is an outdoor kitchen magician. Parachute him in the wilderness and he’ll be cooking by the end of the day, without a pot, pan, or matches. While most all modern cooking contraptions are made […]

Horace Kephart Days – May 15th and 16th (and a special book update!)
This is a DO NOT MISS Horace Kephart Days at the Schiele Museum of Natural History May 15th and 16th (details below). A great opportunity to spend time with not only the Kephart Family and Steve Watts, but David Wescott will be in attendance signing the new edition of Camping in the Old Style; now available for […]

A Bedroll Sling/Tumpline for…
Tramping In The Old Style by Steven M. Watts 2014 “Tramping” in the literature of the Classic Camping era refers to “pedestrian camping” or “camping afoot”… what would one day come to be known as “backpacking.” The references to shoulder slings or tumplines for packing bedrolls are almost non-existent in the writings of the Classic Camping […]

Balloons & Bindles… on the road with…
The American Hobo by Steven M. Watts 2013 “They were road kids, and with every word they uttered the lure of The Road laid hold of me more imperiously…And it all spelled Adventure.” – Jack London Definitions (from The Golden Age—1870’s-1920’s) Hobo: migratory worker (“travels and works”) Tramp: migratory non-worker (‘travels but doesn’t work”) Bum: […]

Join The Classic Camping Revival!
Be sure to pick up your copy of the latest edition of the American Frontiersman magazine available on newsstands now. In this issue, Watts and Wescott spend some time explaining the renewed interest in camping in the classic style and those involved – especially the Acorn Patrol – learn more about them on pinterest. Camping In […]

Kamp Kephart 2015
See below for the Kamp Kephart 2015 class schedule taught by Steve Watts at the Schiele Museum of Natural History in Gastonia, NC. Space is limited so sign up quick! To download the registration form in PDF, click here >>—> Kamp Kephart 15. Just look at everything offered. I want to do all of it. […]

Pocket Tool Basics by Steven M. Watts
Don’t Leave Camp With Out These A day hike, a day hunt or the exploratory search for new trout waters… these are the away-from-camp situations in which the hiker most typically winds up lost, or at least “a might confused”. A few basic tools will help you get back to camp on your own, or […]

Topping It Off In The Classic Style
Hat, Scarf and Vest: Waist-up Essentials For The Traditional Outdoorsman by Steve Watts The Hat Campfire conversations can venture off into dangerous territory when the topic turns to the choice of the “ideal” hat for camp and trail. All have an opinion, and most consider theirs to be divinely inspired. The choice of headgear is often […]

Camp Stove VS Camp Fire
Camp Stove versus Camp Fire (“Primus” versus “Primal”) Steven M. Watts A Short Cynical History In the early days of the twentieth century, portable camp stoves–fueled by kerosene (liquid paraffin), gasoline or alcohol—began to appear in the inventories of campers, explorers and military campaigners. These ingenious devices were perfect for above-tree-line-mountaineering, long sea voyages and […]

Bedside Kit
A Bedside Kit Steven M. Watts A few basic tools and supplies (within easy reach by the camper’s bedside) help to make the mid-night and morning hours run smoothly. A knife and axe…the camper’s constant companions. A supply of fuel…for maintaining the night fire and for the morning restart. Matches…in a waterproof container. A light […]

Special Report: The Dangerous Side of Survival TV
An excerpt from TV GUIDE’s Special Report: The Dangerous Side of Survival TV by David Peisner… On the wall of a tiny wood cabin outside Prescott, Arizona, hangs a large poster of Cody Lundin staring intensely with a thin half-smile. Below him is a quote: “Learn survival skills from an expert.” Lundin was one of […]

The Law of Order
The Law of Order by Steven M. Watts “…only a slob and a chump goes dirty and has a sloppy-looking camp. The real old time veteran and sourdough is a model of neatness and order.” –Daniel Carter Beard Your camp is a very small world—whether it be a simple lean-to with the most Spartan of […]

Kephart Days: Americana At Its Finest
Just like apple pie and baseball, camping was purely American. We look back with a refreshing sense of nostalgia somehow hoping to hear echoes from the past. Voices from men like Beard, Seton, and White. But it’s Kephart that speaks clearly on this day. For it’s him that we celebrate at Horace Kephart Days. http://youtu.be/VtFPLfgbPho […]

Horace Kephart Days Celebration October 10th & 11th, 2014
This year’s Horace Kephart Days Celebration will be held October 10th and 11th at the Cradle of Forestry in the Pisqah National Forest (western North Carolina). Keep checking the website, HoraceKephart – An American Legend and their FaceBook page for updates. This will be a great opportunity to join Steve Watts and the Acorn Classic Camping Demonstration team from the Schiele Museum too. Hope to see you […]

Why Carry A Knife (and Fire-starter and Cordage)
There are very few things in this world outside of breathing, eating, etc. that I feel I need to do. Of those few, one of them is carrying a knife. I know I am not the only one, many of you reading this feel just like me. Perhaps it’s in our DNA. Personally, this desire of having […]

Steve Watts Flint Knapping Videos
Two great videos of Steve Watts briefly discussing and demonstrating the skills and context of knapped points. Steve Watts directs the Aboriginal Studies Program and the Traditional Outdoor Skills Program at the Schiele Museum of Natural History in Gastonia, North Carolina. Watts is the author of Practicing Primitive: A Handbook of Aboriginal Skills, Gibbs Smith […]

The Liebster Award
Ross Gilmore has a very popular blog, Wood Trekker, of which we have had listed in our Blog Roll since our inception. He recently tagged Master Woodsman for the The Liebster Award. Thank you Ross. Per Ross’ take on the award: The award is bestowed by bloggers on other bloggers and intended to allow people to learn […]

Steve Watts Bow Drill (1985 video)
As our great friend Steve Watts says, “…without the context, it’s just arts and crafts.” To briefly put into context, the video below was shot in 1985, almost 30 years ago. That was BEFORE the internet. You remember, that time in our history when people actually shared outdoor living skills in person because they didn’t […]

Horace Kephart: Notes On Hatchets And Handles (additional text by Steve Watts)
“The first camp I ever made was built exactly after the ‘Nessmuk’ pattern, shanty-tent, camp-fire with butternut back-logs, and all. My only implement besides knives, was a double-bitted hatchet just like his, of surgical instrument steel, only eighteen ounces. I was alone. I stayed in that camp five weeks in October and November; and I […]
Search This Site
Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
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Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...