Nice article about Mors Kochanski at the blog Outdoor Readiness… Venerable bushcraft instructor Mors Kochanski is one of the most experienced outdoor skills instructors in North America. His specialty is northern forests, the boreal, all seasons. Kochanski bridged primitive and historical methods and skills (actual skills, not just descriptions of skills) into the 21st Century […]
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Mors article at Outdoor Readiness

The Summer 2015 issue of Harris Publications’ American Frontiersman magazine went on sale June 17th at newsstands across the United States and Canada. In this latest issue, Chris Noble and Joe Flowers learned from the one and only, Mors Kochanski. You will have to get the magazine to read what they discovered about this savant of […]

Extreme Barbecue with Steve Watts
From the book, Extreme Barbecue: Smokin’ Rigs and 100 Real Good Recipes by Dan Huntley and Lisa Grace Lednicer. Steve Watts is an outdoor kitchen magician. Parachute him in the wilderness and he’ll be cooking by the end of the day, without a pot, pan, or matches. While most all modern cooking contraptions are made […]

Horace Kephart Days – May 15th and 16th (and a special book update!)
This is a DO NOT MISS Horace Kephart Days at the Schiele Museum of Natural History May 15th and 16th (details below). A great opportunity to spend time with not only the Kephart Family and Steve Watts, but David Wescott will be in attendance signing the new edition of Camping in the Old Style; now available for […]

The Bushcraft Journal
From The Bushcraft Journal website: What is The Bushcraft Journal? The Bushcraft Journal is an online magazine working closely with many of the world’s leading outdoor guides and survival experts bringing you a variety of first-hand knowledge based skills, step by step guides, how-to’s, hints and tips, and wonderful stories of travel and adventure from […]

Mors Kochanski’s Grand Syllabus Instructor Trainee Program – A Review
Survival, Wilderness Living Skills, Bushcraft Mors Kochanski’s enthusiasm for wilderness recreation, his extensive knowledge of the field, and his desire to learn everything there is to know about the wilderness has made him one of the foremost authorities on wilderness skills in the world. And it’s no wonder, he has been an outdoor educator and survival […]

Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost
You are likely familiar with Leave No Trace (LNT), if not the organization, at least the concept it promotes in that there are set of principles to enjoy the outdoors responsibly while minimizing environmental impacts. Interestingly, the organization is very strict when it comes to the use of the copyrighted term, it’s logo, and their Seven […]

“I AM…”
In the North Georgia school system where my 5th grade son attends, giving oratorical speeches are a regular part of the curriculum within his class. However, when the assigned topic was, “How my optimism will help me press on to greater achievements of the future,” this speech was to be judged for more than the […]

“Survival is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid!”
The title is a quote from the book, Surviving a Wilderness Emergency, by Peter Kummerfeldt. His book being slap full of practical no nonsense knowledge of what to do if get yourself into trouble in the backcountry makes it one of my favorites. I have several of his quotes listed in my list of Great Survival […]

Join The Classic Camping Revival!
Be sure to pick up your copy of the latest edition of the American Frontiersman magazine available on newsstands now. In this issue, Watts and Wescott spend some time explaining the renewed interest in camping in the classic style and those involved – especially the Acorn Patrol – learn more about them on pinterest. Camping In […]

Modern Hunter-Gatherer
The Modern Hunter-Gatherer by Tony Nester A Book Review by Brandon Jacobs The subject of hunter-gatherer is an interest for many people, including myself. The idea of using the land for most or more of one’s resources is very intriguing. There are many different regions, ways of life, ways of thinking, and just sheer differences […]

Horace Kephart Days Celebration October 10th & 11th, 2014
This year’s Horace Kephart Days Celebration will be held October 10th and 11th at the Cradle of Forestry in the Pisqah National Forest (western North Carolina). Keep checking the website, HoraceKephart – An American Legend and their FaceBook page for updates. This will be a great opportunity to join Steve Watts and the Acorn Classic Camping Demonstration team from the Schiele Museum too. Hope to see you […]

Camp-Fire Club of America Outings
Last year I wrote an article which included an excerpt from the book, On Your Own in the Wilderness by Townsend Whelen and Bradford Angier. In that article was a quote mentioning the Camp-Fire Club of America (CFCA). I, and my friends who study and appreciate Classic Camping, have seen mention of the CFCA in text […]

Wilderness & Nature Quotes
When we started this site, for a while we were sending daily quotes via Twitter (@MasterWoodsmen). Unfortunately, most quotes wouldn’t fit in a tweet. All that being said, the quotes we had prepared are now all in a dedicated page under RESOURCES in the toolbar. We will continue to update quotes there moving forward. For […]

Great Survival Quotes
Below are a few wilderness survival (or survival-like) quotes that resonate with me personally. Please be aware that some quotes won’t mean much or could be misinterpreted without the surrounding context from the author. Therefore, they are NOT intended to be survival advice, although I am sure you will find many you will like and […]

Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Messages and Messengers Below is the full text and audio version of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s, Self-Reliance, from Essays: First Series, published in 1841. I post this because there is a recurring theme from some folks in the sharing of outdoor living skills… one that says, “this has all been done before” or “there is nothing new.” Whether […]

Horace Kephart: Notes On Hatchets And Handles (additional text by Steve Watts)
“The first camp I ever made was built exactly after the ‘Nessmuk’ pattern, shanty-tent, camp-fire with butternut back-logs, and all. My only implement besides knives, was a double-bitted hatchet just like his, of surgical instrument steel, only eighteen ounces. I was alone. I stayed in that camp five weeks in October and November; and I […]

They Just Don’t Make’em Like They Used To…
Since the late 1700’s Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) has sold fine English-made woolen products in North America. HBC’s point blankets being the standard by which all wool blankets are measured. Published in 2002, Harold Tichenor’s book, The Blanket; An Illustrated History of the Hudson’s Bay Point Blanket, chronicled much of its history. Unfortunately, the book is out of […]

Winter; An Ecological Handbook (book review)
With cool temperatures descending upon us and winter around the corner, I have a book suggestion for you. Winter; An Ecological Handbook by Dr. James Halfpenny and Roy Ozanne. In a nutshell, the book is an overview about the current knowledge of winter. Think college text on ecology – you’ve been warned. However, for the […]

Camping and Woodcraft republished!
Earlier this year, early Spring actually, I was working in Knoxville, TN. As is usually the case, I prefer the scenic route… On my way back home to north Georgia, I stopped in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Visitor Center in Gatlinburg, TN to ask if Parson Branch Road was open. FYI, Parson Branch […]

Steve Watts talks primitive camping skills with Lost in the Woods (1 of 2)
This article originally appeared in the blog, Lost in the Woods, and is a perfect fit for this site as we explore the different facets of Outdoor Living Skills. Part Two will be coming with an added picture from Steve that did not appear in the original article. Thanks Steve! By Liz Childers | Published December 7, 2011 […]

Tree ID 101
Most of us have been there… on that nature walk with a local expert who points out 20 or so different trees and plants giving them a brief description while you feverishly take notes. The notes will last, informing you about that tree; and you may have even have snapped a picture or pressed a […]

New Mors Kochanski eBook ~ Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook
In a nutshell, the survival information that did not make it into Mors Kochanski’s classic book, (Northern) Bushcraft can be found in the new e-book, Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook. In addition, there is an expansion on his great booklets within the new book. See for purchase information and more. Video explanation from Mors and […]

Jack Mountain Bushcraft School Bibliography by Tim Smith
Naturalist John Muir said, “Books are but stepping stones to show you where other minds have been.” When it comes to outdoor living skills, books are a great way to take advantage of a Master Woodsman’s experience and see “where their mind has been.” We have worked hard to put together an extensive bibliography at Master […]

This is the first hand account of a group of survivors captured by Indians before the West was open and safe. The journal as well as other documents were compiled by Nellie Snyder Yost and were published as the book titled ‘Medicine Lodge: The story of a Kansas frontier town.’ The ISBN is 0-8040-0199-5. I’ve […]
Search This Site
Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
Kent: The link is no longer working...
Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...