If you know me personally, or have been reading my stuff here and elsewhere, you know I push the Rabbitstick event that takes place in southeast Idaho every September (see my complete post on it here from 2013). So why am I such a big fan? Because it’s a great place to learn and the fellowship […]
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TJack Survival: Knives, and primitive skills with Dave Wescott of Backtracks and Rabbit stick
Nice YouTube video below from TJack Survival with our friend David Wescott. Need more info on Rabbitstick, see HERE.

Via Ferrata and Canyoning – Improve Your Physical and Mental Health with Outdoor Recreation
by Melissa Lang As a rule, those of us who take a keen interest in our health know that enjoying the outdoors is a part of the lifestyle. However, today we’re at risk of being more sedentary than ever. With long commutes, long working hours, the average office worker sits down for approximately 10 hours […]

Rabbitstick 29 – Plan Now!
Registration is open! CLICK HERE! Need more information about the Rabbitstick staff and instructors? Sign up for monthly email notifications that will inform you of classes being given by these great instructors during all times of the year and in different parts of the country. This is how it works, click the “Sign Me Up” […]

“Mors tells the best stories…” (pic heavy)
My son Duncan and I took a holiday to Canada this summer. The last half of our trip was full of adventure in Jasper, Banff, and Yoho National Parks. We visited Jasper Lake, Medicine Lake, Maligne Canyon, Maligne Lake, Lake Louise, took a dip in Banff Upper Hot Springs, drove the Icefields Parkway, and were […]

Glamping: You Might as Well Stay Home
by Nick Cesare Lately I’ve heard some talk among my friends about this new trend in outdoor activity called glamping. The term is a portmanteau of “glamour” and “camping” that pretty much is what it sounds like: camping in glamourous or up-scale conditions. Although the term is fairly recent, the roots of glamping stretch far […]

SOAP Note app (Wilderness Medicine)
If you’ve had training in Wilderness Medicine, you likely learned how to do a SOAP Note for assessing a patient’s condition; this note being critical information for you as well as the higher standard of care of a physician once the patient reaches civilization. For those that have not had medical training yet, SOAP is an acronym for […]

Horace Kephart Days; May 20 & 21
Horace Kephart Days 2016 Friday, May 20th (1 to 5 p.m.) Visit with a group of outers in a 1920s demonstration camp. Here, in the woodsmoke, Kephart’s camping and woodcraft skills come to life in their proper setting, the Backcountry Farm of the Schiele Museum in Gastonia, NC. Saturday, May 21st (10 am to 4 […]

Between The Rivers Gathering; May 30th – June 4th
Between the Rivers Gathering May 30 – June 4th, 2016 in Valley, WA (near Spokane). Learn primitive living skills, outdoor survival skills, preparedness, classic camping and sustainable living! Early registration deadline of May 1st is coming fast. Check out the INSTRUCTORS for this year and get registered today! BTR PHOTOS HERE!

Steve Watts Remembrance April 10th
Sunday, April 10th from 1 to 5 pm. Schiele Museum of Natural History 1500 East Garrison Boulevard Gastonia, NC 28054

Steven Miles Watts
1947 – 2016 The thoughtful man that Steve was, he called me right after he saw the photo below just to tell say how much he loved the trip we took together and especially that photo. The trip was an incredible visit to the Camp Fire Club of America, Dan Beard’s resting place, Bear Mountain […]

Real and Sham Survival/Bushcraft
I suppose it is the real demand for bushcraft and survival information that leads to its counterfeit, otherwise the counterfeit would stand a poor show. The growing demand for survival/bushcraft within the past few years has called forth a very large crop of TV Shows, YouTubers, Bloggers, & Books; good, bad, and indifferent — shows […]

Camping in the Old Style; Oct. 10, 2015
Classic Camping celebrates the Golden Age of Camping in America (1880s – 1920s). This was a time when camping meant sleeping under canvas and cooking over an open fire. It was a time when the most innovative urges of the Industrial Revolution were featured front and center against the backdrop of a vanishing frontier… a […]

An open letter to President Obama from Cody Lundin
I normally don’t share the latest social media on Master Woodsman; we are kind of like the NPR of outdoor skills… generally boring and no commercialism. However, I simply can’t resist this open letter to President Obama from Cody Lundin; a message that I have repeatedly been promoting here as it relates to the importance of […]

Vote Cumberland Island!
I am a member of the Georgia Conservancy. Through Woodsmoke Camping Company (WCC), of which I co-own with Chuck Winchester, we support paddle trips and do volunteer work. As a Master Woodsman reader, I am asking you to support a great cause of which we are yet volunteering again. And all you have to do is […]

Rabbitstick 29; Sept 13 – 19
Rabbitstick is the Granddaddy of them all when it comes to primitive skills gatherings, so make your plans now to attend. I hope to be there for a few days myself after a visit to the far north, so let me know if you are coming. Not familiar with the event? Let me fill you in […]

Where Have All the Axes Gone?
Thank you Tony Nester for sharing this (surprising) article from The Atlantic… Where Have All the Axes Gone? The treasured woodchopper’s talisman is a guide to an almost-lost way of life, an Object Lesson. Last year was, by some accounts, the year of the lumbersexual—big beard, big plaid, big boots. Although not measured by time […]

The Summer 2015 issue of Harris Publications’ American Frontiersman magazine went on sale June 17th at newsstands across the United States and Canada. In this latest issue, Chris Noble and Joe Flowers learned from the one and only, Mors Kochanski. You will have to get the magazine to read what they discovered about this savant of […]

Let Kids Run Wild In The Woods…
If you haven’t read the Master Woodsman article Leave No Trace Killed Woodcraft… almost, I strongly suggest you not only check the article out, but also the comments section, as the discussion after may be even more informative. With the passionate conversations here and on FaceBook (still getting used to that), I ended up doing further research. In […]

Between The Rivers Gathering, May 26th – 30th
A note from our good friend Patrick Farneman… I can’t believe that gathering time is only 2 weeks away! My, how time flies. The site is being prepped, and the gate will be well-marked and ready to gather in all of our Between the Rivers family for this third year. We are excited to share […]

Woodsmoke, Camping in the Old Style, and other important updates…
This is a good news / bad news post I am afraid. First, the bad news… Woodsmoke 2015 is cancelled. Per David Wescott: “Sorry – But due to numerous conflicts on the part of the hosts, we have been forced to cancel Woodsmoke 2015 – AGAIN. We are trying not to look like a bunch […]

Horace Kephart Days – May 15th and 16th (and a special book update!)
This is a DO NOT MISS Horace Kephart Days at the Schiele Museum of Natural History May 15th and 16th (details below). A great opportunity to spend time with not only the Kephart Family and Steve Watts, but David Wescott will be in attendance signing the new edition of Camping in the Old Style; now available for […]

The Bushcraft Journal
From The Bushcraft Journal website: What is The Bushcraft Journal? The Bushcraft Journal is an online magazine working closely with many of the world’s leading outdoor guides and survival experts bringing you a variety of first-hand knowledge based skills, step by step guides, how-to’s, hints and tips, and wonderful stories of travel and adventure from […]

Mors Kochanski’s Grand Syllabus Instructor Trainee Program – A Review
Survival, Wilderness Living Skills, Bushcraft Mors Kochanski’s enthusiasm for wilderness recreation, his extensive knowledge of the field, and his desire to learn everything there is to know about the wilderness has made him one of the foremost authorities on wilderness skills in the world. And it’s no wonder, he has been an outdoor educator and survival […]

“I AM…”
In the North Georgia school system where my 5th grade son attends, giving oratorical speeches are a regular part of the curriculum within his class. However, when the assigned topic was, “How my optimism will help me press on to greater achievements of the future,” this speech was to be judged for more than the […]
Search This Site
Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
Kent: The link is no longer working...
Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...