What’s a Knap-In? A Knap-In is a gathering of flintknappers – people who make arrowheads, spear points, knife blades and such from suitable stone, glass or other material. There is more offered than just breaking rocks; there are other primitive skills demonstrated and there are often competitions in various primitive sports such as archery, atl […]
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Land of OZ 2013 Fall Gathering
October 11th – 13th 2013 KINGMAN LAKE 883-979 State Lake Rd Kingman, KS 67068 Food: Everybody chips in. It’s always something fantastic. There may be a deer kill due to the early season and subsequent butchering. Tasty venison! We’ll reach out to Rusty the Chef too! Skill Building: Every single event all the way back […]

New England sees a return of forest, wildlife
Across New England, areas like the Swift River Valley (above, left, in the 1880s and in 2010) in Petersham have seen their forests, once cut down and cleared for farmland, replenished in the 21st century. From the aspect of green infrastructure in particular, I was delighted to see this article from the Boston Globe; New England […]

The Human Race
The Human Race video below popped up on an internet forum earlier this week. Many years ago I had seen this documentary about three gentlemen with different backgrounds making a 300+ mile race by foot across the Australian Outback with what they can carry. Specifically, a German Survivalist in his early 60’s, an American marathon […]

An Axe Lesson and August Classes from Jack Mountain Bushcraft School
I was just checking out Tim Smith’s blog and saw he had some classes in New Hampshire this August. Even though I will be traveling through the northeast later this month for work, I will unfortunately miss the opportunity. If you live close by, you should definitely checkout Jack Mountain Bushcraft School. Here is their […]

The Bushcraft Movement: what is it and why should you care?
Google News globally searches key words of interest for me. For over a year now one of those words has been ‘bushcraft.’ Every couple of days or so there is a new article mentioning Bushcraft. All but two of a 100+ news articles have been from the UK. And each of those have been about […]

Top Ten Survival Vacations
Saw this on Cody Lundin’s Blog and it was too interesting to see MSN’s take on Top Ten Survival Vacations not to repost here. See link… TOP TEN SURVIVAL VACATIONS I have taken numerous “vacations” with some top instructors including several with Lundin, and I have to agree, Cody is absolutely one of the best! […]

Piedmont Earthskills Gathering
“The mission of the Piedmont Earthskills Gathering is to provide a learning experience which empowers people through the development of skills and inspires a deep appreciation of inter-connectedness, cultural heritage, and ecological respect.” That’s exactly what happened when I attended the Piedmont Earthskills Gathering. Here is the video from the event. I only got to […]

New Mors Kochanski eBook ~ Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook
In a nutshell, the survival information that did not make it into Mors Kochanski’s classic book, (Northern) Bushcraft can be found in the new e-book, Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook. In addition, there is an expansion on his great booklets within the new book. See Karamat.com for purchase information and more. Video explanation from Mors and […]

Cody Lundin Shares Survival Tips with SRU Student Newspaper
An interview from the Slippery Rock University Student Newspaper with Cody Lundin. Heads-up on a couple bad words if the kiddies are listening. More than anything, posting this for one of Lundin’s perspectives on ‘survival’ television; AND, why we like and list proven survival schools at this site, including Cody’s. Kudos to Slippery Rock University […]

A 50 Year Old Tale of Survival
This post comes to us from Edmonton Journal and recounts the tale of a man and woman that crash a bush plane in a bad storm and fortunately both survive until rescue. Bob Hill was in Whitehorse to report on a minerals conference half a century ago when he got wind of the greatest news […]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTMy4MtsPs8 Master Woodsman™ is a blog. Why is that important to you? Well, it’s fed by woodsmen for woodsmen. Some pretty darn good ones too! We write about the stuff you want to read. The great outdoors and everything in it. From the golden age of camping and living historical reenactments to modern wilderness survival […]

Hey Foks, Here is a quick news update. On Tuesday, Feb. 19: Author Mark Warren, director of Medicine Bow Wilderness School, will be at the University of Georgia in Athens to discuss his recently published memoir Two Winters in a Tipi. The event will be held at 3 p.m. in the 5th floor Reading Room of the Miller […]
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Attention: This site will be under ongoing construction. We appreciate your patience and suggestions are always welcome.

Kansas Winterfest Jan. 18-20
The Land of OZ Bushcraft Group in Kansas will start 2013 with a bang. This will be as close to “cold” as we can get in Kansas but should be cold enough for me! 🙂 Location will be in the Southeast part of the state in the reclaimed strip mine lands. (more…)

Winter Count Date: Feb 10-16 2013 Location: Maricopa, Arizona Website: www.backtracks.net Description: Winter Count is a totally unique learning experience made available by Backtracks, LLC. This event focuses on Primitive Technology and is held near Maricopa Arizona. Dozens of workshops and each night is filled with music, dance, and entertainment. Winter Count is the only […]

Calling all Woodsmen! The time has come for a better way to deliver information. What kind of information? Well, all of it! Primitive skills to modern camping and everything in between. In a more organized environment. Just a better learning experience all around for the end user. You see, we are just sharing information on […]
Search This Site
Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
Kent: The link is no longer working...
Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...