The title is a quote from the book, Surviving a Wilderness Emergency, by Peter Kummerfeldt. His book being slap full of practical no nonsense knowledge of what to do if get yourself into trouble in the backcountry makes it one of my favorites. I have several of his quotes listed in my list of Great Survival […]
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“Survival is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid!”

Wild Woman Claire Dunn: a Me vs. Myself Survival Story
A lot of people talk about “getting away from it all.” This woman did it Australia. For that, and the increasing interest in rewilding here in North American, I felt it pertinent to share her story from The Morning Bulletin… IT WAS another morning of missing lunchbox lids and avoided voicemails when a familiar voice […]

Things to do in 2015!
Outside the obvious, such as camping (duh!), below is a chronological list of organized events in 2015. Also see this LINK for some great training opportunities. Kamp Kephart ’15 – The Academy of Classic Camping Dates: multiple in 2015, see ‘here’ link below Location: Kamphaven at the Schiele Museum. Gastonia, North Carolina Website: Details and PDF registration are HERE […]

Join The Classic Camping Revival!
Be sure to pick up your copy of the latest edition of the American Frontiersman magazine available on newsstands now. In this issue, Watts and Wescott spend some time explaining the renewed interest in camping in the classic style and those involved – especially the Acorn Patrol – learn more about them on pinterest. Camping In […]

Kit fever…
Steve Watts turned me on to this Finnish blog, Perkele’s. As I am booking flights today to attend my first SHOT SHOW next month, the timing couldn’t be better. Posts like this from the heart are good for keeping you grounded when it comes to gear… Again today i got to thinking about this never […]

Let Us Give Thanks
Regardless of what is known of the original ‘Thanksgiving’, there is never a bad time to express gratitude towards our fellow man. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and may you be tucked away someplace warm with family and loved ones. I am thankful for so much. Chiefly among them is the time I’ve been given. What […]

Thank You Veterans
On a day where we celebrate and honor America’s Veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good, Master Woodsman thanks you. I thank you. If not for your sacrifice, struggle, strife and victory, both past and future, we would not be able to maintain this outdoors […]

Special Report: The Dangerous Side of Survival TV
An excerpt from TV GUIDE’s Special Report: The Dangerous Side of Survival TV by David Peisner… On the wall of a tiny wood cabin outside Prescott, Arizona, hangs a large poster of Cody Lundin staring intensely with a thin half-smile. Below him is a quote: “Learn survival skills from an expert.” Lundin was one of […]

Kephart Days: Americana At Its Finest
Just like apple pie and baseball, camping was purely American. We look back with a refreshing sense of nostalgia somehow hoping to hear echoes from the past. Voices from men like Beard, Seton, and White. But it’s Kephart that speaks clearly on this day. For it’s him that we celebrate at Horace Kephart Days. […]
Bull Moose Patrol on the Winter Camping Symposium Oct. 23 thru 26
by SCOTT OETH Almost overnight, it seems the seasons are quickly changing in the northwoods, which means we’re rolling into our favorite camping seasons–Fall and Winter! I am an avid Winter camper and while my wife Linda loves sleeping out on the crisp Autumn nights, she’s still…um…warming up to the idea of sub-zero bivouacs! So […]

North Columbia Knap-In 10/9 thru 10/11
What is a Knap-In?????? A Knap-In is a gathering of flint knappers – people who make arrowheads, spear points, knife blades and such from suitable stone, glass or other material. There is more offered than just breaking rocks; there are other primitive skills demonstrated and there are often compettitions in various primitive sports such as archery, atl atl […]

Horace Kephart Days Celebration October 10th & 11th, 2014
This year’s Horace Kephart Days Celebration will be held October 10th and 11th at the Cradle of Forestry in the Pisqah National Forest (western North Carolina). Keep checking the website, HoraceKephart – An American Legend and their FaceBook page for updates. This will be a great opportunity to join Steve Watts and the Acorn Classic Camping Demonstration team from the Schiele Museum too. Hope to see you […]

Camp-Fire Club of America Outings
Last year I wrote an article which included an excerpt from the book, On Your Own in the Wilderness by Townsend Whelen and Bradford Angier. In that article was a quote mentioning the Camp-Fire Club of America (CFCA). I, and my friends who study and appreciate Classic Camping, have seen mention of the CFCA in text […]

Survival News
According to the CDC, from 1999 to 2011, a total of 16,911 deaths in the United States, an average of 1,301 per year, were associated with exposure to excessive natural cold. The highest yearly total of hypothermia-related deaths (1,536) was in 2010 and the lowest (1,058) in 2006. Approximately 67% of hypothermia-related deaths were among […]

Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin
An opportunity recently presented itself to ask Dual Survival’s Cody Lundin for a formal interview of which he graciously accepted. Lundin is a professional survival instructor with over 25 years of experience. He has also worked within the television industry since the 1990’s both behind and in front of the camera. I hoped to learn more about […]

The Liebster Award
Ross Gilmore has a very popular blog, Wood Trekker, of which we have had listed in our Blog Roll since our inception. He recently tagged Master Woodsman for the The Liebster Award. Thank you Ross. Per Ross’ take on the award: The award is bestowed by bloggers on other bloggers and intended to allow people to learn […]

Blade Show 2014
I believe this is my 11th Blade Show in the last 14 years. Those first years I attended, I was really into knives, a huge fan of the late Rob Simonich (nicest guy ever, I still carry a Bitter Root everyday). Nowadays, I am really there just as much for the social aspect, maybe even more. […]

Trip Report: Australia
Just got back from more than a week in Australia. While work took me there, I was fortunate enough to take my wife Stacie and spend a few days exploring the bush, learning from the Aborigines, and hitting some of the tourist attractions. For this report I will break it into four parts. First, the […]

Water Filtration Using Plant Xylem
In the continuing search for potable water solutions in developing countries, researchers have turned to plant xylem. Below are the highlights of the just published research paper on this solution. I strongly suggest you read the entire paper if this is of interest to you (link below). If you are in the Cliffs Notes fan […]

Google Crisis Map
I have been viewing Google Crisis Maps for several years now as it is a powerful tool bringing information from many agency resources into one map virtually real-time. Check out the video below for a brief explanation… While the video is informative, it really doesn’t do this solution justice. The light bulb to share went […]

1+ Year Review: Seek Outside BCS Back Country Shelter
I’ll be reviewing the Seek Outside Backcountry Shelter or BCS as it is commonly referred to. This is the 1+ year review and what a couple years it’s been. I think in order to give the most complete review of something, it has to be very heavily used and really put through the wringer as […]

In The News ~ Early December 2013
Dude, You’re Screwed is a new Discovery T.V. show starting this Sunday, December 8th at 10 eastern. One of the cast, Tom “Tomahawk” Moore, has shared his knowledge and travels on some popular internet forums over the years, so you may already be familiar with Moore. Chad and I first met Tom in […]

2014 Events
We just updated our EVENTS page for 2014 as best we can at this time. Please provide us with any updates and/or suggestions at info at masterwoodsman dot com. Keep checking back too, we will update regularly. It is worth mentioning, WINTERCOUNT is the only event in the early part of the year. I […]

Primitive Skills Day at Chattahoochee Nature Center by Richard Bell
As a volunteer Naturalist at the Chattahoochee Nature Center in Roswell Georgia, I often incorporate a bit of primitive skills and knowledge into my interpretive hikes. When we walk along the river boardwalk trail, I may point out how the indigenous Cherokee or Creek would have used Black Willow as a headache remedy and materials […]

George Michaud’s Survival Kit by Brandon Jacobs
It’s no secret that spending any amount of time in the woods requires some gear, whether it’s for an intended task or just there in case of an emergency. George’s time in the outdoors is no exception. Running a trapline in the Teton Mountains requires a certain amount of gear to spend any length of […]
Search This Site
Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
Kent: The link is no longer working...
Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...