Editor’s Note: If you haven’t read “Tracking a Fisher,” please read that article first and this is part two. The following essay is the sequel to the fisher story. It is an account of how the fisher turned into the bear, and how old habits can play tricks on the mind. After petting the fisher […]

Tracking a Fisher by Peter Frost
This morning we were very fortunate. The conditions were ideal for tracking. Early last night, an inch of dry, light snow sifted down through the trees and covered the forest floor. Underneath this fine layer, nothing of the previous winter snows remained except for a hard-packed crust. This allows one to move through the woods […]

Fridtjof Nansen – Gypsy Jack’s Camping Journal
Fridtjof Nansen “I’ve known some tough hombres in my time. I’ve seen cowpunchers ride, rope and brand all day–day after day—living all the while on beans, biscuits and prunes. Then each night, throw down a thin bedroll on the thin cover of the hard, herd- trampled ground– and there sleep the sleep of babes. I’ve […]

LEGEND OF FLOWER POT MOUNTAIN 2 of 2 This and more info from the book ‘Medicine Lodge: The story of a Kansas frontier town’ by Nellie Snyder Yost Copyright 1970 Swallow Press Inc. In part 1 of Lenora Day’s journal, we already have the makings of a blockbuster western movie. If you missed it, you […]

Cody Lundin Shares Survival Tips with SRU Student Newspaper
An interview from the Slippery Rock University Student Newspaper with Cody Lundin. Heads-up on a couple bad words if the kiddies are listening. More than anything, posting this for one of Lundin’s perspectives on ‘survival’ television; AND, why we like and list proven survival schools at this site, including Cody’s. Kudos to Slippery Rock University […]

Jack Mountain Bushcraft School Bibliography by Tim Smith
Naturalist John Muir said, “Books are but stepping stones to show you where other minds have been.” When it comes to outdoor living skills, books are a great way to take advantage of a Master Woodsman’s experience and see “where their mind has been.” We have worked hard to put together an extensive bibliography at Master […]

This is the first hand account of a group of survivors captured by Indians before the West was open and safe. The journal as well as other documents were compiled by Nellie Snyder Yost and were published as the book titled ‘Medicine Lodge: The story of a Kansas frontier town.’ The ISBN is 0-8040-0199-5. I’ve […]

Every Day is Earth Day for a Master Woodsman
Today, April 22, 2013 is a good day to remind all of us who spend time in the outdoors, that EVERY day is Earth Day. Not just today. As woodsmen who have an ecological knowledge of our surrounding environment, we should be the truest of conservationists. Please note that I referenced ‘conservation’ and not the […]

Traditional Camping And The Environmental Ethic: Trail Food For Thought by Steven M. Watts
By Steven M. Watts 2004 All human activity results in environmental impact. Every step and every breath leaves a trace of our passing. The modern camper/backpacker/outdoor enthusiast relies on gear manufactured in the far-flung corners of the globe. It is then delivered by train, plane, ship or truck—powered by gasoline, diesel or jet fuel. He […]

Charlie Chaplin – Gypsy Jack’s Camping Journal
Charlie Chaplin “Charlie is a rich, famous, arrogant, borderline genius…I like him anyway. We first met in 1914. His star was just then breaking on the far horizon. I got introduced to him in a beachside diner by an old Montana horse wrangler pal of mine who was working in the moving picture business at […]

Firestarters: Fatwood
When I got out of college back in the 90’s, I thought I had the best job in the world as a ‘dirt’ forester. Responsible for all land management activities on 100K acres, I spent over half my time in the field cruising timber, mapping, writing management prescriptions for reforestation, prescribed burning, and more… Then […]

Adaptation – No Sleeping Bag Winter Trip by Tim Smith, Registered Master Maine Guide
February 2002. I had been up late packing food and gear for our 10-day snowshoe trip in the mountains along the Maine and Quebec border, and after driving four hours to the trail head I was feeling tired and groggy despite 2 cups of coffee. The temperature had warmed throughout the morning, rising to near […]

Bandanas (neckerchief), cloth in general, have many uses. Put it in your survival kit and you’ll use it all the time. Here are just a few of the top uses for the Woodsman… Signal Scarf Dust mask Hood (page 131 Camping & Woodcraft, Horace Kephart) Emergency rope Bandage Sling Tourniquet Water filter Sponge (dew collection) […]

Camping Gear On A Budget: The Do’s and Don’ts
Camping gear costs thousands of dollars for products, that if used enough, are going to fail when you least expect it. Let the hedgerow campers spend all that money on survival gear they don’t need. You’re here because you are camping on a budget. I know. I’ve had no money and the desire to do […]

The S’moreo
The first time I heard about this too good to be true treat was from Cody Lundin… he claimed to come up with idea, the S’moreo that is — and I am not one to argue having known him for many years now, I simply believe. It was yet another one of those times I […]

Gypsy Jack’s Camping Journal ~ old Kep
“Jack London told me years ago that a steady diet of train smoke and canned beans will kill you. It was time to get off the road for a while. I had a well worn hat and a fully stocked bindle. What I needed now was a hot bath and a square meal– served up […]

Join the Kneel Diamond Fan Club
Sweet Caroline… Bohm, Bohm, Bohmmmm…. Good times never seemed so good… Wait, that’s Neil Diamond. I am talking about KNEEL Diamond! Wish I could remember the name of the fellow that taught me this trick. I am almost certain he was on the BOSS staff. Very simply, to increase the oxygen to your campfire, make […]

A 50 Year Old Tale of Survival
This post comes to us from Edmonton Journal and recounts the tale of a man and woman that crash a bush plane in a bad storm and fortunately both survive until rescue. Bob Hill was in Whitehorse to report on a minerals conference half a century ago when he got wind of the greatest news […]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTMy4MtsPs8 Master Woodsman™ is a blog. Why is that important to you? Well, it’s fed by woodsmen for woodsmen. Some pretty darn good ones too! We write about the stuff you want to read. The great outdoors and everything in it. From the golden age of camping and living historical reenactments to modern wilderness survival […]

How To Haft An Axe by Dale L. Spaht Jr.
So, you’ve come up with an old axe head, or your current axe has a damaged handle, and you want to get it back into serviceable condition. Here are the steps involved in taking this project on. (Figure 1) (more…)

Wilderness Sewing Kits by Kyle R. Ver Steeg II, M.D.
There is a lot to be said for traveling light. The main reason I am a fan of carrying less gear is because I am lazy. There are, however, other benefits to traveling light. For instance, carrying less weight means you can travel faster, farther and arrive more rested. Given the same amount of calorie […]
Very good shelter building videos
I was cruising youtube one day for a specific demonstration and I almost didn’t find it anywhere. Although I had this shelter option available to me in a few books including the SAS, this 7 part video series from a gentleman across the pond is a very well laid out construction from start to finish. […]
Figure 4 Spring Snare by Alan Halcon of Dirt Time
When I saw the Spring Snare video below on the Dirt Time website I immediately reached out to Alan and asked if he would mind me posting this on Master Woodsman. So here it is and kudos to great bunch of guys at Dirt Time. Like us here, it’s all about the sharing. Check them […]

The Harlton Hacienda (Supershelter) By Kyle R. Ver Steeg II, M.D.
I recently took a winter course with Mors Kochanski at Karamat Wilderness Ways. We covered many different shelter types, but one in particular caught my attention. One of the things that Mors Kochanski has done with wilderness shelters is to update them with modern materials. A piece of plastic, a piece of nylon and a […]

Gypsy Jack’s Camping Journal ~ TR
“Dear Mr. President, Its been a while since we shared a campfire, a meal or a joke. Here’s hoping you are well and that job of yours is not keeping you too long from the hunt. You ask me for my opinion prior to your California visit as it relates to our mutual friend. So, […]
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Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
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