I believe this is my 11th Blade Show in the last 14 years. Those first years I attended, I was really into knives, a huge fan of the late Rob Simonich (nicest guy ever, I still carry a Bitter Root everyday). Nowadays, I am really there just as much for the social aspect, maybe even more. It is truly a great community.
Although, I almost didn’t go this year having opportunities elsewhere in the country, it did afford me time home with my family which I always appreciate. Blade Show is not that far of a drive from my north Georgia home. In fact, I brought the whole family to Blade on day two. Below are some random pictures from the first day. No rationale for the pictures, I was just taking shots of the vendors that related to woodcraft. Sorry, no pictures of zombie killing knives, and there were more than ever this year!
Special thanks to my longtime friend Jim Burke, one of the best makers out there. And thanks to good friend Joe Flowers and Richard Jones of Condor Tool & Knife.

ESEE Knives Booth was constantly busy. I have several of their knives. Good people!

ESEE’s new Camp-Lore line. Very nice!

Joe Flowers and I spoke with Torodd Helle for quite a while. Super nice guy. A trip to Scandinavia is in my future.

Nice table display by Fiddleback Forge. The next two knives from Andy Roy really caught my eye.

Swiss Bianco’s table. My daughter is now carrying a Micro-Farmer.

A smidgeon of the Classic Camping Knives at Blade Show over the next couple of pictures.

L.T. Wright. Appreciated their display and attention to detail in knife design.

Jamie Burleigh was representing L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knives. Nice to see a vendor setup where you could test their knife making feathersticks, notches, etc. before making a purchase. Appreciated Jamie sharing his time and knowledge.

One of Going Gear’s many displays.

My good friends Chuck Winchester and Richard Bell checking out the EXOTAC Booth.

Was glad to hear Spyderco is working on a replacement for the Aqua Salt (fixed blade in H-1)
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