When it comes to survival in the wilderness, a trash bag in your emergency kit could be a lifesaver for you and your family. This article is your guide to survival for it’s use as an environmental layer to your clothing and much more! “Your clothing is the most important survival tool you have. Dress properly […]

About Christian Noble
Chris Noble is the founder of MasterWoodsman.com and Woodsmoke Camping Company. A Master Naturalist, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and has worked as a Registered Forester and Certified Burn Manager in several states. Chris is also a Wilderness First Responder and since the late 90’s has been “practicing primitive” skills and taking lessons from numerous Master Woodsmen throughout North America. An advocate for Conservation, teacher of Wilderness Living Skills, and happily married, he enjoys passing what he has learned thus far to others, especially his 2 children, Emerson and Duncan.Author Archive | Christian Noble

Top Ten Survival Vacations
Saw this on Cody Lundin’s Blog and it was too interesting to see MSN’s take on Top Ten Survival Vacations not to repost here. See link… TOP TEN SURVIVAL VACATIONS I have taken numerous “vacations” with some top instructors including several with Lundin, and I have to agree, Cody is absolutely one of the best! […]

The Pot Hook Notch
Timing is everything so they say… I just started reading Mors Kochanski’s new eBook from Karamat, Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook. A pleasure unto itself. But that got multiplied this past weekend doing knifecraft with my good friend Steve Watts. Talking knives, Steve entwined his encyclopedic knowledge of primitive skills, Nordic tradition, the American […]

That Fresnel Lens in Your Survival Kit
Today’s common Fresnel lens, and the one a Woodsman should carry, is a super-thin business card sized piece of plastic. Based on the 1822 lens design by French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel, it was originally intended for lighthouses, hence it’s larger aperture, shorter focal length and much thinner design compared to conventional lenses. For a lighthouse, […]

The Tinder Bundle
For fire and its continuation (chain reaction) three components need to come together: heat, fuel and oxygen. So many folks into Outdoor Living Skills focus on the ignition or heat source. While obviously a critical component, the other two-thirds are equally important… So let’s put ugly on the table. Can’t tell you how many […]

Tree ID 101
Most of us have been there… on that nature walk with a local expert who points out 20 or so different trees and plants giving them a brief description while you feverishly take notes. The notes will last, informing you about that tree; and you may have even have snapped a picture or pressed a […]

New Mors Kochanski eBook ~ Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook
In a nutshell, the survival information that did not make it into Mors Kochanski’s classic book, (Northern) Bushcraft can be found in the new e-book, Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook. In addition, there is an expansion on his great booklets within the new book. See Karamat.com for purchase information and more. Video explanation from Mors and […]

Cody Lundin Shares Survival Tips with SRU Student Newspaper
An interview from the Slippery Rock University Student Newspaper with Cody Lundin. Heads-up on a couple bad words if the kiddies are listening. More than anything, posting this for one of Lundin’s perspectives on ‘survival’ television; AND, why we like and list proven survival schools at this site, including Cody’s. Kudos to Slippery Rock University […]

Every Day is Earth Day for a Master Woodsman
Today, April 22, 2013 is a good day to remind all of us who spend time in the outdoors, that EVERY day is Earth Day. Not just today. As woodsmen who have an ecological knowledge of our surrounding environment, we should be the truest of conservationists. Please note that I referenced ‘conservation’ and not the […]

Firestarters: Fatwood
When I got out of college back in the 90’s, I thought I had the best job in the world as a ‘dirt’ forester. Responsible for all land management activities on 100K acres, I spent over half my time in the field cruising timber, mapping, writing management prescriptions for reforestation, prescribed burning, and more… Then […]

Bandanas (neckerchief), cloth in general, have many uses. Put it in your survival kit and you’ll use it all the time. Here are just a few of the top uses for the Woodsman… Signal Scarf Dust mask Hood (page 131 Camping & Woodcraft, Horace Kephart) Emergency rope Bandage Sling Tourniquet Water filter Sponge (dew collection) […]

The S’moreo
The first time I heard about this too good to be true treat was from Cody Lundin… he claimed to come up with idea, the S’moreo that is — and I am not one to argue having known him for many years now, I simply believe. It was yet another one of those times I […]

Join the Kneel Diamond Fan Club
Sweet Caroline… Bohm, Bohm, Bohmmmm…. Good times never seemed so good… Wait, that’s Neil Diamond. I am talking about KNEEL Diamond! Wish I could remember the name of the fellow that taught me this trick. I am almost certain he was on the BOSS staff. Very simply, to increase the oxygen to your campfire, make […]

Custom Carry Axe Sheath
Had the recent pleasure of spending time with my good friends Joe Flowers and Steve Watts. On this particular day, Steve led a small group of Outdoor Living Skill enthusiasts in the manufacture of a custom carry axe sheath. Have to say, I am very fond of this new way to carry an axe… Suspect […]
“Lost Teenage Skier Credits Reality TV Survival Skills” ~ update with TV Show Credit
Don’t get your panties in wad over this article just yet, it probably isn’t going to go the way you think based on the title. If you haven’t seen the news recently, here is a link to an article and video from a local news report about a 17 year old lost skier from New […]

Virginia Tech Forestry; Tree ID Mobile App for North America
I rarely get excited about technology, but I have to say, this app is the bomb. Videos and link will speak for themselves. LINK TO APP On a final note, we have added a Mobile Apps section to Online Resources under Resources.

Your Campfire And The Weather
Treat fire with the respect it deserves and it will keep you warm, cook your food, make your water safe, and a host of other things to make you a happy woodsman. Be disrespectful and it could leave you cold and lonely OR you could have a wildfire on your hands! Wouldn’t it be nice […]
Rite of Passage
The March/April edition of the Backwoodsman (magazine) arrived in the mail yesterday. As always, I started reading Charlie’s opening message. Whole heartedly agree with him about today’s children not being taught things they should know; also appreciate his appeal for us older folks to get involved with a youngster. My how our society has changed, […]

The Bear is Coming Back
For those of us in the southern states, particularly where there are a lot of trees and topography, we lose sight of the Big Dipper in winter and Cassiopeia becomes more prevalent. Vice versa in the summer. I know it is still very much winter up north, nonetheless, it’s nice seeing the days getting longer […]

Hey Foks, Here is a quick news update. On Tuesday, Feb. 19: Author Mark Warren, director of Medicine Bow Wilderness School, will be at the University of Georgia in Athens to discuss his recently published memoir Two Winters in a Tipi. The event will be held at 3 p.m. in the 5th floor Reading Room of the Miller […]
Boxes or Circles
I really have a love/hate relationship doing this website. While it is full of relevant information and a great medium in which to encourage folks to get to get to the field, it also means I was sitting in front of box typing this, and you are now sitting in front of a box reading […]

Baden-Powell, Condor Knives & Volcanoes in Central America
I was in Central America last August and ran across this plaza in El Salvador dedicated to Lord Robert Baden-Powell. I thought those that have an appreciation for the history of Boy Scouts would enjoy. Also, many thanks to my friend Joe Flowers; I made the trek to Santa Ana and took an amazing tour he […]
Search This Site
Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
Kent: The link is no longer working...
Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...