I was just checking out Tim Smith’s blog and saw he had some classes in New Hampshire this August. Even though I will be traveling through the northeast later this month for work, I will unfortunately miss the opportunity. If you live close by, you should definitely checkout Jack Mountain Bushcraft School. Here is their […]

An Axe Lesson and August Classes from Jack Mountain Bushcraft School

Light Pollution
I savor the opportunities of a beautiful night sky simply because they have become so rare. While aesthetically pleasing, they are also healthier for the environment and people. This is especially true for women according to numerous studies, HERE is a link to one example. Just getting away from unnatural light for a short time […]

Naked Joe, the first outdoor reality star
One hundred years ago, Joe Knowles stripped down to his jockstrap, said goodbye to civilization, and marched off into the woods to prove his survival skills. He was the reality star of his day. For eight weeks, rapt readers followed his adventures in the Boston Post, for whom he was filing stories on birch bark. […]

Fire-making apparatus – Report from 1888
My friend Dusty Rumley and I went on a hike the other day along the Etowah River near Canton, Georgia. The purpose… none, which was great. Very relaxing. Ahhhh…. These were Dusty’s woods and he knew them well. One of several things he pointed out to me was this pestle (picture below) in a boulder […]

Nalgene Pillid
As most Master Woodsman readers use a 1 liter type water bottle, passing along this new product, the Nalgene Pillid. Pretty clever… Nalgene Pillid (Photo: Nalgene) If you read my article on Collecting & Treating Water in the Backcountry, you know I duct tape the individually wrapped Micropur tabs to my water bottle for a convenient […]

Primitive Survival Skills in the 21st Century by Mark Warren
The physicality of satisfying our essential needs today is virtually effortless – like strolling through the aisles of a grocery store or turning a knob to heat an oven. So why turn back history and roam forest and field to dig up edible roots? Why twirl a stick in your hands to near exhaustion in […]

It is that time of year again — when I start thinking about travel to Rabbitstick. The event is held September 15 – 21, 2013 in Rexburg, ID… so a flight into Jackson Hole, WY (90 miles) or Salt Lake City, UT (240 miles) is in my near future. If you are not familiar with the […]

The Jumping Off Place: The Relationship of Outdoor Skills and Camping to the Concept of Wilderness by Tom Ray
Recently I have been thinking about the connections among outdoor skills, camping and the concept of “wilderness.” What are these connections and what do they mean for those of us that enjoy practicing a wide variety of outdoor skills (for lack of a better catch-all term), including Bushcraft, Woodsmanship, Woodcraft, or whatever they may be […]

Dual Survival / ALSS Auction for Fallen Firefighter Families!
Sorry I didn’t see this sooner! Cody Lundin is holding an auction to raise money for the families of the 19 fallen firefighters who died battling the Yarnell Hill fire. Link is HERE! Auction closes 7/22/13 at 6 p.m. Arizona time.

Collecting & Treating Water in the Backcountry
I made the video below 3 years ago. Since that time, and for many years prior, nothing has changed for me in how I collect and treat water in the backcountry for biological pathogens. And when I say collect, it is more than just dipping my bottle or pot in a creek, there is […]

The Bushcraft Movement: what is it and why should you care?
Google News globally searches key words of interest for me. For over a year now one of those words has been ‘bushcraft.’ Every couple of days or so there is a new article mentioning Bushcraft. All but two of a 100+ news articles have been from the UK. And each of those have been about […]

Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag
When it comes to survival in the wilderness, a trash bag in your emergency kit could be a lifesaver for you and your family. This article is your guide to survival for it’s use as an environmental layer to your clothing and much more! “Your clothing is the most important survival tool you have. Dress properly […]

Top Ten Survival Vacations
Saw this on Cody Lundin’s Blog and it was too interesting to see MSN’s take on Top Ten Survival Vacations not to repost here. See link… TOP TEN SURVIVAL VACATIONS I have taken numerous “vacations” with some top instructors including several with Lundin, and I have to agree, Cody is absolutely one of the best! […]

HOW TO WAX CANVAS with Mule Team Canvas Company
How to wax canvas with Mule Team Canvas Company Have you ever wanted to wax your own canvas pack but you weren’t sure just how to do it? You’re in luck because in 6 minutes, you’ll be able to wax your own canvas at home or in the field with Mule Team Canvas Company. Interested […]

Survival Foods in the Forest: the quest for protein by Mark Warren
Very few people actually plan a strategy for survival foods and survival when lost in a wilderness for a substantial length of time. As research has shown, however, a little survival training can go a long way when one is truly confronted with life-threatening circumstances. These days, it is worlds easier to simply stroll down […]

Gypsy Jack’s Camping Journal – Earnest Hemingway
Who is Earnest Hemingway? He liked to open cans…and shoot hyenas for no reason. Yep, Hemingway was a hand full if there ever was one. I met him in Philip Percival’s camp just west of the Ngong Hills. We got along well enough I suppose, but four days turned out to be just about enough. […]

Add The Hammock Insulation Bed To Your Survival Kit And Sleep Like A Baby
HAMMOCK INSULATION BED by Chad Nech The hammock insulation bed makes an easy addition to any survival kit! Here is a quick way to set it up. On a recent canoe trip, I purposely left a few items at home. One of which… My sleeping pad. It was still early spring, and I would need […]

Knife Sharpening and Care by Tom Ray
Knife Sharpening and Care by Tom Ray Knife sharpening is sometimes thought of as an elusive skill. Actually, once the basic principles are understood, almost anyone can accomplish it. First of all, it is important to understand that in order to get a long-lasting edge that is shaving sharp, a burr or wire edge must […]

Classic Camping Knives by Steven M. Watts
“A knifeless man is a lifeless man” – Nordic proverb Steven M. Watts, 2013 Most campers and woodsmen in the first quarter of the the twentieth century carried both pocket knives and sheath knives — a wise continuation of frontier practices from a century or more before. Sheath knives performed the “heavier” woodworking, skinning/butchering, and […]

The Pot Hook Notch
Timing is everything so they say… I just started reading Mors Kochanski’s new eBook from Karamat, Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook. A pleasure unto itself. But that got multiplied this past weekend doing knifecraft with my good friend Steve Watts. Talking knives, Steve entwined his encyclopedic knowledge of primitive skills, Nordic tradition, the American […]

That Fresnel Lens in Your Survival Kit
Today’s common Fresnel lens, and the one a Woodsman should carry, is a super-thin business card sized piece of plastic. Based on the 1822 lens design by French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel, it was originally intended for lighthouses, hence it’s larger aperture, shorter focal length and much thinner design compared to conventional lenses. For a lighthouse, […]

The Tinder Bundle
For fire and its continuation (chain reaction) three components need to come together: heat, fuel and oxygen. So many folks into Outdoor Living Skills focus on the ignition or heat source. While obviously a critical component, the other two-thirds are equally important… So let’s put ugly on the table. Can’t tell you how many […]

Tree ID 101
Most of us have been there… on that nature walk with a local expert who points out 20 or so different trees and plants giving them a brief description while you feverishly take notes. The notes will last, informing you about that tree; and you may have even have snapped a picture or pressed a […]

Piedmont Earthskills Gathering
“The mission of the Piedmont Earthskills Gathering is to provide a learning experience which empowers people through the development of skills and inspires a deep appreciation of inter-connectedness, cultural heritage, and ecological respect.” That’s exactly what happened when I attended the Piedmont Earthskills Gathering. Here is the video from the event. I only got to […]

New Mors Kochanski eBook ~ Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook
In a nutshell, the survival information that did not make it into Mors Kochanski’s classic book, (Northern) Bushcraft can be found in the new e-book, Basic Safe Travel and Boreal Survival Handbook. In addition, there is an expansion on his great booklets within the new book. See Karamat.com for purchase information and more. Video explanation from Mors and […]
Search This Site
Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
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Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
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Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...