It’s mile 15 and you’ve just realized that 25 pounds of camera gear is actually killing you. If only you could achieve high quality video and audio without all that damn weight and money. Pull out your iphone (everybody has one) and buy the Filmic Pro app for just $5.oo $7.99 I realize that since I purchased […]
About Chad
Chad is a Native son of Medicine Lodge, Kansas. A founder of, he spends most of his time in "no man's land," NWOK wilderness!Author Archive | Chad

Let Us Give Thanks
Regardless of what is known of the original ‘Thanksgiving’, there is never a bad time to express gratitude towards our fellow man. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and may you be tucked away someplace warm with family and loved ones. I am thankful for so much. Chiefly among them is the time I’ve been given. What […]

Better Get Your Mucks On
I love Winter. I hate cold feet. The Muck Boot company has been producing high quality, slip-on, waterproof work boots since I was a teenager. The ‘Chore’ model have been on my feet for some of the most amazing moments in my outdoors life. The stories I could tell… Well, maybe you can stay long […]

Thank You Veterans
On a day where we celebrate and honor America’s Veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good, Master Woodsman thanks you. I thank you. If not for your sacrifice, struggle, strife and victory, both past and future, we would not be able to maintain this outdoors […]

Kephart Days: Americana At Its Finest
Just like apple pie and baseball, camping was purely American. We look back with a refreshing sense of nostalgia somehow hoping to hear echoes from the past. Voices from men like Beard, Seton, and White. But it’s Kephart that speaks clearly on this day. For it’s him that we celebrate at Horace Kephart Days. […]

Steve Watts Flint Knapping Videos
Two great videos of Steve Watts briefly discussing and demonstrating the skills and context of knapped points. Steve Watts directs the Aboriginal Studies Program and the Traditional Outdoor Skills Program at the Schiele Museum of Natural History in Gastonia, North Carolina. Watts is the author of Practicing Primitive: A Handbook of Aboriginal Skills, Gibbs Smith […]

1+ Year Review: Seek Outside BCS Back Country Shelter
I’ll be reviewing the Seek Outside Backcountry Shelter or BCS as it is commonly referred to. This is the 1+ year review and what a couple years it’s been. I think in order to give the most complete review of something, it has to be very heavily used and really put through the wringer as […]

Bowmaking with Joe Dabill
I had the privilege of taking Joe Dabill’s Bowmaking course at Rabbitstick 2013. It was a great opportunity for an absolute beginner like myself to actually go through the steps under Joe’s guidance. We talked at length about Ishi and other influences, wood types, personal preferences, arrow making and more. It was great to see […]
How To Make a Classic Camping Style Knife Sheath
If you have an hour and would like to know how to build a BSA style clone sheath, this video is for you. This isn’t as much a how-to as it is a follow along. I break down each step taken to get the end result along with some of my thoughts on leathercraft and […]

Land of OZ 2013 Fall Gathering
October 11th – 13th 2013 KINGMAN LAKE 883-979 State Lake Rd Kingman, KS 67068 Food: Everybody chips in. It’s always something fantastic. There may be a deer kill due to the early season and subsequent butchering. Tasty venison! We’ll reach out to Rusty the Chef too! Skill Building: Every single event all the way back […]

But… It will also work on a small scale, say, your yard or land. Own less than an acre? No problemo. This will work on the most basic of individual holdings to the Worldwide pandemic of desertification. Here’s the problem: Nobody really cares! Heh, I bet you could care less what happens in some butt […]

Back To Eden Gardening Method
The Back To Eden Gardening Method is a very basic one that only requires the composting component and wood chips. *Note: If you are offended by religion, turn away now. This video is not for you. The author reinforces simple compost gardening with Scripture from The Bible. BACK TO EDEN shares the story of […]

P.A.C.K. One Update
If you haven’t already, go check out Joe Flowers with the owner of Mule Team Canvas Company as they go over the P.A.C.K. One. Not sure what a P.A.C.K. One is? The acronym stands for Personally Accessorized Canvas Knapsack. This is probably the best Canvas pack you’re gonna see at the sub fifty dollar price […]

Add The Hammock Insulation Bed To Your Survival Kit And Sleep Like A Baby
HAMMOCK INSULATION BED by Chad Nech The hammock insulation bed makes an easy addition to any survival kit! Here is a quick way to set it up. On a recent canoe trip, I purposely left a few items at home. One of which… My sleeping pad. It was still early spring, and I would need […]

LEGEND OF FLOWER POT MOUNTAIN 2 of 2 This and more info from the book ‘Medicine Lodge: The story of a Kansas frontier town’ by Nellie Snyder Yost Copyright 1970 Swallow Press Inc. In part 1 of Lenora Day’s journal, we already have the makings of a blockbuster western movie. If you missed it, you […]

This is the first hand account of a group of survivors captured by Indians before the West was open and safe. The journal as well as other documents were compiled by Nellie Snyder Yost and were published as the book titled ‘Medicine Lodge: The story of a Kansas frontier town.’ The ISBN is 0-8040-0199-5. I’ve […]

Camping Gear On A Budget: The Do’s and Don’ts
Camping gear costs thousands of dollars for products, that if used enough, are going to fail when you least expect it. Let the hedgerow campers spend all that money on survival gear they don’t need. You’re here because you are camping on a budget. I know. I’ve had no money and the desire to do […]

A 50 Year Old Tale of Survival
This post comes to us from Edmonton Journal and recounts the tale of a man and woman that crash a bush plane in a bad storm and fortunately both survive until rescue. Bob Hill was in Whitehorse to report on a minerals conference half a century ago when he got wind of the greatest news […]
Very good shelter building videos
I was cruising youtube one day for a specific demonstration and I almost didn’t find it anywhere. Although I had this shelter option available to me in a few books including the SAS, this 7 part video series from a gentleman across the pond is a very well laid out construction from start to finish. […]

Western Soapberry Sapindus drummondii This picture was taken in January, and you’ll note the fruit is still firmly attached to the tree. They will only drop when the new season’s growth begins. This is probably an adaptation of the tree in drought-prone areas, where it is planted extensively. The Western Soapberry is a very adaptable […]

To most it’s a weed tree. Considered useless and unwanted. To me, it’s a part of the heartland now. A permanent fixture across wind breaks and homesteads as well as in the cities and for Bushcraft. It was after the dust bowl that started in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, that these trees were widely planted […]
This site under construction
Attention: This site will be under ongoing construction. We appreciate your patience and suggestions are always welcome.

Kansas Winterfest Jan. 18-20
The Land of OZ Bushcraft Group in Kansas will start 2013 with a bang. This will be as close to “cold” as we can get in Kansas but should be cold enough for me! Location will be in the Southeast part of the state in the reclaimed strip mine lands. (more…)

Red Hills in Kansas
There is a push for conservation in the Red Hills of Kansas. To most people this is perhaps meaningless. To me it is home and it is where my heart is. As such I’ll lend a hand in spreading the word to as many as will read it. You see, there is no place like […]

Stewart Edward White Quote
“I do not claim that my way is the only way, nor am I rash enough to claim it is the best way. But it is my way, and if any one will follow it, he will be as comfortable and as well suited as I am, which is at least better than going it […]
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Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
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Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...