“The pilgrim’s passion drives him to extremes—spending time and treasure in pursuit of sacred sites, holy shrines and points of power. The zealot’s dream may lead him through the snow, along steep yak trails to a hermit’s cave (high in the Himalayas)…or far upstream by dugout canoe on a remote black water river to a […]

Western Soapberry Sapindus drummondii This picture was taken in January, and you’ll note the fruit is still firmly attached to the tree. They will only drop when the new season’s growth begins. This is probably an adaptation of the tree in drought-prone areas, where it is planted extensively. The Western Soapberry is a very adaptable […]

Mors Kochanski’s Wilderness Living Skills/Survival Course 2013 by Kyle R. Ver Steeg II, M.D.
My approach to the outdoors has always been to learn what is needed to be comfortable in a given environment. With the advent of shows like Dual Survivor and others, there seems to have been a shift towards ‘Survival’ as a mentality towards the outdoors. While the term ‘Survival’ creates great marketing opportunities, it tends […]

Custom Carry Axe Sheath
Had the recent pleasure of spending time with my good friends Joe Flowers and Steve Watts. On this particular day, Steve led a small group of Outdoor Living Skill enthusiasts in the manufacture of a custom carry axe sheath. Have to say, I am very fond of this new way to carry an axe… Suspect […]

Machete 101 with Joe Flowers
Introduction to Machetes by Joe Flowers Nowadays, the machete is probably one of the most used edged tools in the world. In this day and age of chainsaws and machines, the machete has held its place in remote countries throughout the globe. The machete is the working classes tool, the poor man’s tool. In places […]
“Lost Teenage Skier Credits Reality TV Survival Skills” ~ update with TV Show Credit
Don’t get your panties in wad over this article just yet, it probably isn’t going to go the way you think based on the title. If you haven’t seen the news recently, here is a link to an article and video from a local news report about a 17 year old lost skier from New […]

Introduction to Classic Camping with Steve Watts
This is a great video for anybody that may be interested in the “Classic” style of camping. A big thank you to Steve Watts, author and living history teacher, for your time and generosity. To learn more about the Classic Camping revival or Steve Watts, visit our Classic Camping page.

Virginia Tech Forestry; Tree ID Mobile App for North America
I rarely get excited about technology, but I have to say, this app is the bomb. Videos and link will speak for themselves. LINK TO APP On a final note, we have added a Mobile Apps section to Online Resources under Resources.

To most it’s a weed tree. Considered useless and unwanted. To me, it’s a part of the heartland now. A permanent fixture across wind breaks and homesteads as well as in the cities and for Bushcraft. It was after the dust bowl that started in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, that these trees were widely planted […]

Camp Life by Steven M. Watts
“Here I am camped by a rushing river between forest-clad hills. It is close on ten in the morning. I turned out at five, and yet those five hours have been full of work for me, albeit it was no more than little camp jobs. The fire had to be lit, coffee and scones to […]

Beauty Berry; Herbal Bug Repellent by Darryl Patton
DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is a wonderful product! On several trips to the jungles of the Amazon as well as countless hikes here in the Deep South, I have found this bug repellent to be just the thing to keep biting insects at a safe distance. DEET was introduced by the U.S. Army as an insecticide back in […]

Your Campfire And The Weather
Treat fire with the respect it deserves and it will keep you warm, cook your food, make your water safe, and a host of other things to make you a happy woodsman. Be disrespectful and it could leave you cold and lonely OR you could have a wildfire on your hands! Wouldn’t it be nice […]
Rite of Passage
The March/April edition of the Backwoodsman (magazine) arrived in the mail yesterday. As always, I started reading Charlie’s opening message. Whole heartedly agree with him about today’s children not being taught things they should know; also appreciate his appeal for us older folks to get involved with a youngster. My how our society has changed, […]

The Bear is Coming Back
For those of us in the southern states, particularly where there are a lot of trees and topography, we lose sight of the Big Dipper in winter and Cassiopeia becomes more prevalent. Vice versa in the summer. I know it is still very much winter up north, nonetheless, it’s nice seeing the days getting longer […]

Hey Foks, Here is a quick news update. On Tuesday, Feb. 19: Author Mark Warren, director of Medicine Bow Wilderness School, will be at the University of Georgia in Athens to discuss his recently published memoir Two Winters in a Tipi. The event will be held at 3 p.m. in the 5th floor Reading Room of the Miller […]
Boxes or Circles
I really have a love/hate relationship doing this website. While it is full of relevant information and a great medium in which to encourage folks to get to get to the field, it also means I was sitting in front of box typing this, and you are now sitting in front of a box reading […]

Baden-Powell, Condor Knives & Volcanoes in Central America
I was in Central America last August and ran across this plaza in El Salvador dedicated to Lord Robert Baden-Powell. I thought those that have an appreciation for the history of Boy Scouts would enjoy. Also, many thanks to my friend Joe Flowers; I made the trek to Santa Ana and took an amazing tour he […]
This site under construction
Attention: This site will be under ongoing construction. We appreciate your patience and suggestions are always welcome.

Kansas Winterfest Jan. 18-20
The Land of OZ Bushcraft Group in Kansas will start 2013 with a bang. This will be as close to “cold” as we can get in Kansas but should be cold enough for me! 🙂 Location will be in the Southeast part of the state in the reclaimed strip mine lands. (more…)

Red Hills in Kansas
There is a push for conservation in the Red Hills of Kansas. To most people this is perhaps meaningless. To me it is home and it is where my heart is. As such I’ll lend a hand in spreading the word to as many as will read it. You see, there is no place like […]

Stewart Edward White Quote
“I do not claim that my way is the only way, nor am I rash enough to claim it is the best way. But it is my way, and if any one will follow it, he will be as comfortable and as well suited as I am, which is at least better than going it […]

Winter Count Date: Feb 10-16 2013 Location: Maricopa, Arizona Website: www.backtracks.net Description: Winter Count is a totally unique learning experience made available by Backtracks, LLC. This event focuses on Primitive Technology and is held near Maricopa Arizona. Dozens of workshops and each night is filled with music, dance, and entertainment. Winter Count is the only […]

Calling all Woodsmen! The time has come for a better way to deliver information. What kind of information? Well, all of it! Primitive skills to modern camping and everything in between. In a more organized environment. Just a better learning experience all around for the end user. You see, we are just sharing information on […]
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Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
Kent: The link is no longer working...
Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...