A knifeless man is a lifeless manOld Nordic proverb So why carry a knife? I would argue there are three primary reasons for carrying a knife at all times: The simple need of a tool to separate matter; whether it be for one’s livelihood (agriculture, construction, etc.) or in the course of everyday living from […]

About Christian Noble
Chris Noble is the founder of MasterWoodsman.com and Woodsmoke Camping Company. A Master Naturalist, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and has worked as a Registered Forester and Certified Burn Manager in several states. Chris is also a Wilderness First Responder and since the late 90’s has been “practicing primitive” skills and taking lessons from numerous Master Woodsmen throughout North America. An advocate for Conservation, teacher of Wilderness Living Skills, and happily married, he enjoys passing what he has learned thus far to others, especially his 2 children, Emerson and Duncan.Author Archive | Christian Noble

Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott
Two great conversations about the upcoming Global Bushcraft Symposium which will be hosted in Alberta, Canada June 10 – 14. The first conversation is a podcast with Mors Kochanski and Jonathan McArthur hosted by Paul Kirtley. Please see the link found HERE for the podcast. The second is a YouTube video with David Wescott hosted […]

Global Bushcraft Symposium, June 2019
A small group of organizers has slowly but surely been putting together a Global Bushcraft Symposium (GBS) scheduled for June 2019 in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. While the website (linked at bottom) offers specific information on the location, initial itinerary, more than a dozen themed camps, as well as a frequently updated list […]

Firebug – A Survival Music Video :-)
Big thank you to my Global Bushcraft Symposium partner in crime Dale Kiselyk, owner of Nature Alive Adventures, for putting this fantastic video together!

The Bushcraft Journal is FREE
Great magazine yours truly has been reading since first edition back in 2015 is now Free. Click on the image below for link to sign up page…

FEATURING: ACORN PATROL CLASSIC CAMPING DEMONSTRATION TEAM Where: Lakemont, GA Schedule of Events: Friday May 26, 2017 6pm – Let’s Talk Kephart Around the Campfire (bring chair/blanket, etc) Music with Bill Mize Saturday May 27, 2017 9am Gate opens Speakers & Demonstrations throughout the day TBA 7:30pm Georgia premiere of documentary An American Legend: Horace Kephart […]

Readymade Woods Whistles
While enjoying some much needed alone time this past weekend in the Chattahoochee National Forest, I was cutting through a stretch of woods with tulip tree, white pine, hickory, and oak. As I usually do, I picked up a large acorn cap for a whistle. Even though it’s been decades since my mother taught me […]

Bushcraft Legend: Meet The Practical & Profound Wildwood Professor, MORS KOCHANSKI
The internationally-followed, godfather of modern bushcraft — Master Woodsman Mors Kochanski! by Christian Noble & Joe Flowers In the modern era, there are only a handful of men who have significantly contributed to the pursuit and furthering of research, education, and scholarship of wilderness living skills and modern survival. Within that circle there exists a […]

Rabbitstick, you don’t know what you’re missing…
If you know me personally, or have been reading my stuff here and elsewhere, you know I push the Rabbitstick event that takes place in southeast Idaho every September (see my complete post on it here from 2013). So why am I such a big fan? Because it’s a great place to learn and the fellowship […]

Rabbitstick 29 – Plan Now!
Registration is open! CLICK HERE! Need more information about the Rabbitstick staff and instructors? Sign up for monthly email notifications that will inform you of classes being given by these great instructors during all times of the year and in different parts of the country. This is how it works, click the “Sign Me Up” […]

Celebration of Life for Steve Watts 7/24

“Mors tells the best stories…” (pic heavy)
My son Duncan and I took a holiday to Canada this summer. The last half of our trip was full of adventure in Jasper, Banff, and Yoho National Parks. We visited Jasper Lake, Medicine Lake, Maligne Canyon, Maligne Lake, Lake Louise, took a dip in Banff Upper Hot Springs, drove the Icefields Parkway, and were […]

SOAP Note app (Wilderness Medicine)
If you’ve had training in Wilderness Medicine, you likely learned how to do a SOAP Note for assessing a patient’s condition; this note being critical information for you as well as the higher standard of care of a physician once the patient reaches civilization. For those that have not had medical training yet, SOAP is an acronym for […]

Battle of Stoves Follow-up on Firebox Nano
This is a follow-up to Chuck’s great article, Battle of the Stoves, of which he really likes the Folding Firebox Nano Ultralight. I have to say I like it as well, but especially after doing my own little comparison to the Vargo Hexagon Wood Burning Stove and a discovery with the U.S. Canteen Cup. I […]

Steven Miles Watts
1947 – 2016 The thoughtful man that Steve was, he called me right after he saw the photo below just to tell say how much he loved the trip we took together and especially that photo. The trip was an incredible visit to the Camp Fire Club of America, Dan Beard’s resting place, Bear Mountain […]

Homage to the Split Paper Match
Early on in a 7-day class taught by Cody Lundin, myself and two other fellas learned for the first time how to split a paper match. My initial thought was this is a “just in case” solution should a resource become limited, i.e., two fires from one match. Little did we know there was much more to […]

Mors article at Outdoor Readiness
Nice article about Mors Kochanski at the blog Outdoor Readiness… Venerable bushcraft instructor Mors Kochanski is one of the most experienced outdoor skills instructors in North America. His specialty is northern forests, the boreal, all seasons. Kochanski bridged primitive and historical methods and skills (actual skills, not just descriptions of skills) into the 21st Century […]

Real and Sham Survival/Bushcraft
I suppose it is the real demand for bushcraft and survival information that leads to its counterfeit, otherwise the counterfeit would stand a poor show. The growing demand for survival/bushcraft within the past few years has called forth a very large crop of TV Shows, YouTubers, Bloggers, & Books; good, bad, and indifferent — shows […]

Mentor 1. noun – an experienced and trusted adviser. synonym – adviser, guide, guru, counselor, consultant 2. verb – advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague). It was recently brought to my attention that portions of the Master Woodsman training/challenge, originally in David Wescott’s book, Camping in the Old Style, and subsequently this website, would at […]

An open letter to President Obama from Cody Lundin
I normally don’t share the latest social media on Master Woodsman; we are kind of like the NPR of outdoor skills… generally boring and no commercialism. However, I simply can’t resist this open letter to President Obama from Cody Lundin; a message that I have repeatedly been promoting here as it relates to the importance of […]

Rules of Survival
This article contains my current thoughts and perspective on survival rules and more. As this is a life or death topic, I take it very seriously. That being said, what follows may or may not be the right approach for you, i.e., I am not trying to be evangelical in what I have written, I am […]

Why a ‘Mora Knife’?
When it comes to the design of a bushcraft knife, the classic Scandinavian style knife in my experience sets the standard and I will share my reasons as to why in this article. But before we get started, let’s be clear on what is meant by a Mora Knife — a term that has become […]

Vote Cumberland Island!
I am a member of the Georgia Conservancy. Through Woodsmoke Camping Company (WCC), of which I co-own with Chuck Winchester, we support paddle trips and do volunteer work. As a Master Woodsman reader, I am asking you to support a great cause of which we are yet volunteering again. And all you have to do is […]

Rabbitstick 29; Sept 13 – 19
Rabbitstick is the Granddaddy of them all when it comes to primitive skills gatherings, so make your plans now to attend. I hope to be there for a few days myself after a visit to the far north, so let me know if you are coming. Not familiar with the event? Let me fill you in […]

Tim Smith interview at Bull Moose Patrol
Our good friend Scott Oeth just published a great article over at Bull Moose Patrol on our other good friend, Tim Smith of Jack Mountain Bushcraft School. Strongly suggest you check it out… A few years ago, I attended the “Riverman Course” on expedition canoeing and guiding at Tim Smith’s Jack Mountain Bushcraft school […]
Search This Site
Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin June 26, 2014
Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
Steven Miles Watts March 22, 2016
Promoting Outdoor Living Skills January 2, 2015
Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
Kent: The link is no longer working...
Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...