by Melissa Lang As a rule, those of us who take a keen interest in our health know that enjoying the outdoors is a part of the lifestyle. However, today we’re at risk of being more sedentary than ever. With long commutes, long working hours, the average office worker sits down for approximately 10 hours […]
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Encourage Children to Experience the Outdoors with an Amazing Camping Adventure
by Melissa Lang Experiencing time getting to grips with nature has a unique experience on our wellbeing. Of course, this is due to the physical aspect of hiking, playing and general exercise that we enjoy when spending time outdoors, the flood of endorphins that are triggered by physical exertion can’t be matched, but something else […]

Glamping: You Might as Well Stay Home
by Nick Cesare Lately I’ve heard some talk among my friends about this new trend in outdoor activity called glamping. The term is a portmanteau of “glamour” and “camping” that pretty much is what it sounds like: camping in glamourous or up-scale conditions. Although the term is fairly recent, the roots of glamping stretch far […]

Geocaching: Merging Tech and the Outdoors
by Dayton Pushing my ten year old uncle to spend even an hour outside is an ordeal. He clings to the computer like a security blanket, only it cannot be carried around from place to place. Instead, he remains with it, basking in the blue artificial light, a poor substitute for the sun. Over a […]

Why Binoculars are Essential for Hunters and How to choose the right one
by John Lewis at Epic Wilderness If you are still considering whether or not you should get a pair of binoculars for your upcoming hunting trip, you should give this article a read. No, I am not saying that binoculars are only essential for hunters. In fact, I carry them along during hiking, camping, etc. In […]

How to Clean a Snapping Turtle
I was down on the creek fishing a few weeks ago and what did my wondering eyes see? Yep, a snapping turtle trying to hurry and get to deeper water because he knew he had been spotted. I didn’t bother jumping down the bank and grabbing him this time but I usually do that once […]
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- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
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Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
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