Regardless of what is known of the original ‘Thanksgiving’, there is never a bad time to express gratitude towards our fellow man. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and may you be tucked away someplace warm with family and loved ones. I am thankful for so much. Chiefly among them is the time I’ve been given. What […]
Archive | November, 2014

Pocket Tool Basics by Steven M. Watts
Don’t Leave Camp With Out These A day hike, a day hunt or the exploratory search for new trout waters… these are the away-from-camp situations in which the hiker most typically winds up lost, or at least “a might confused”. A few basic tools will help you get back to camp on your own, or […]

Better Get Your Mucks On
I love Winter. I hate cold feet. The Muck Boot company has been producing high quality, slip-on, waterproof work boots since I was a teenager. The ‘Chore’ model have been on my feet for some of the most amazing moments in my outdoors life. The stories I could tell… Well, maybe you can stay long […]

The Great Stag
WE all know him well; his existence is established now as surely as that of the sea-serpent or the big fish that got off the hook — even better, for many of us have seen him in broad daylight and had a fair open view of his noble form. And what a creature he is, […]

Topping It Off In The Classic Style
Hat, Scarf and Vest: Waist-up Essentials For The Traditional Outdoorsman by Steve Watts The Hat Campfire conversations can venture off into dangerous territory when the topic turns to the choice of the “ideal” hat for camp and trail. All have an opinion, and most consider theirs to be divinely inspired. The choice of headgear is often […]

Thank You Veterans
On a day where we celebrate and honor America’s Veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good, Master Woodsman thanks you. I thank you. If not for your sacrifice, struggle, strife and victory, both past and future, we would not be able to maintain this outdoors […]

Two kinds of fires…
Please consider this my humble attempt at a supplement to Steve Watts’ excellent article on the Camp Stove vs. Camp Fire. In that article, Steve quotes Ernest Thompson Seton in favor of the campfire. Here is a great story about (and pictures of) Seton educating men (and boys) on fire in the traditional way. From the Fire-Craft chapter […]

Camp Stove VS Camp Fire
Camp Stove versus Camp Fire (“Primus” versus “Primal”) Steven M. Watts A Short Cynical History In the early days of the twentieth century, portable camp stoves–fueled by kerosene (liquid paraffin), gasoline or alcohol—began to appear in the inventories of campers, explorers and military campaigners. These ingenious devices were perfect for above-tree-line-mountaineering, long sea voyages and […]

Bedside Kit
A Bedside Kit Steven M. Watts A few basic tools and supplies (within easy reach by the camper’s bedside) help to make the mid-night and morning hours run smoothly. A knife and axe…the camper’s constant companions. A supply of fuel…for maintaining the night fire and for the morning restart. Matches…in a waterproof container. A light […]
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