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(Photo: Boston Globe)

New England sees a return of forest, wildlife

  Across New England, areas like the Swift River Valley (above, left, in the 1880s and in 2010) in Petersham have seen their forests, once cut down and cleared for farmland, replenished in the 21st century. From the aspect of green infrastructure in particular, I was delighted to see this article from the Boston Globe; New England […]

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Back To Eden Gardening Method

Back To Eden Gardening Method

The Back To Eden Gardening Method is a very basic one that only requires the composting component and wood chips.   *Note:  If you are offended by religion, turn away now.  This video is not for you.  The author reinforces simple compost gardening with Scripture from The Bible.  🙂 BACK TO EDEN shares the story of […]

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primitive survival skills

Firewood Quality

I am not the original author of the national firewood quality data you will see below. I archived it for myself several years ago, long before the idea of this website. My apologies for not providing the proper credit. Whether it’s your fireplace, woodstove, or campfire, having some knowledge of wood properties and how a […]

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Start'em young.  Note the book.


I have always loved trees.  From the time I was seven years old, I knew I wanted to be a Forest Ranger or something along those lines.  Ultimately, I became a Forester.  Many of my childhood memories escape me, but for whatever reason I remember specific trees and their location vividly.  Is that engrained in […]

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Light pollution.  (Photo: NASA)

Light Pollution

I savor the opportunities of a beautiful night sky simply because they have become so rare. While aesthetically pleasing, they are also healthier for the environment and people. This is especially true for women according to numerous studies, HERE is a link to one example. Just getting away from unnatural light for a short time […]

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primitive survival skills

Primitive Survival Skills in the 21st Century by Mark Warren

The physicality of satisfying our essential needs today is virtually effortless – like strolling through the aisles of a grocery store or turning a knob to heat an oven. So why turn back history and roam forest and field to dig up edible roots? Why twirl a stick in your hands to near exhaustion in […]

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My first trapper cabin, 14 years old.  (Photo: Merritt R Wentz)

The Jumping Off Place: The Relationship of Outdoor Skills and Camping to the Concept of Wilderness by Tom Ray

Recently I have been thinking about the connections among outdoor skills, camping and the concept of “wilderness.”  What are these connections and what do they mean for those of us that enjoy practicing a wide variety of outdoor skills (for lack of a better catch-all term), including Bushcraft, Woodsmanship, Woodcraft, or whatever they may be […]

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Faking it? Bear Grylls in Born Survivor

The Bushcraft Movement: what is it and why should you care?

Google News globally searches key words of interest for me.  For over a year now one of those words has been ‘bushcraft.’  Every couple of days or so there is a new article mentioning Bushcraft.  All but two of a 100+ news articles have been from the UK.  And each of those have been about […]

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hammock insulation bed

Add The Hammock Insulation Bed To Your Survival Kit And Sleep Like A Baby

 HAMMOCK INSULATION BED by Chad Nech The hammock insulation bed makes an easy addition to any survival kit!  Here is a quick way to set it up. On a recent canoe trip, I purposely left a few items at home. One of which… My sleeping pad. It was still early spring, and I would need […]

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Chris e

Tree ID 101

Most of us have been there… on that nature walk with a local expert who points out 20 or so different trees and plants giving them a brief description while you feverishly take notes. The notes will last, informing you about that tree; and you may have even have snapped a picture or pressed a […]

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siberian elm samaras


To most it’s a weed tree. Considered useless and unwanted. To me, it’s a part of the heartland now.  A permanent fixture across wind breaks and homesteads as well as in the cities and for Bushcraft.  It was after the dust bowl that started in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, that these trees were widely planted […]

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