I know of no better tent for one or two men, doing their own camp work, except for bad mosquito country, or at temperatures lower than 20 below. – Townsend Whelen In 1901 a young Spanish American War veteran walked out of the Canadian bush. He was 24 years old, over six feet tall, with a 44 inch […]
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Weather Wisdom
“In God we trust, everyone else bring data” As humans in our current society, our lives are very much data driven, everything backed up by science. There was a time however, when man had to rely purely on observation and what today we call folklore. Well that folklore is based on something, and it can be […]

Primitive Survival Skills in the 21st Century by Mark Warren (6 of 6)
PRIMITIVE SURVIVAL SKILLS 6 In case you missed Parts 1 thru 5: Primitive Survival Skills 1 Primitive Survival Skills 2 Primitive Survival Skills 3 Primitive Survival Skills 4 Primitive Survival Skills 5 Purity ~ your second-most immediate need in a survival situation ~ Can you name the three physical intakes – in their order of […]
Mors Kochanski on Pots
The video below came out from Karamat Wilderness Ways on YouTube today. In 12 short minutes, Mors Kochanski reviewed several pots covering benefits, uses and more… Would have loved to hear more about the Roman Legionnaires. Mors is a huge student of history adding pieces of lost knowledge he finds to his instruction. A true blessing […]
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Leave No Trace killed Woodcraft… almost March 2, 2015
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Your Guide To Survival Using A Trash Bag June 25, 2013
- Why the GBS with Kochanski and Wescott | Master Woodsman: […] first conversation is a podcast with Mor...
Kent: The link is no longer working...
Ross Hinter: Thank you Chris, excellent article. Sure looking f...
Randy Clark: Can't believe I found this website. I only came ...
Chad Thomas Colorado: Looking foreword to it!!! I have learned so many s...