We just updated our EVENTS page for 2014 as best we can at this time. Please provide us with any updates and/or suggestions at info at masterwoodsman dot com. Keep checking back too, we will update regularly.
It is worth mentioning, WINTERCOUNT is the only event in the early part of the year. I say this as after a long winter, Southern Arizona in February maybe just the thing you are looking for… so check it out!
Chad and I hope to see you at several events and gatherings. Happy Trails! Chris

About Christian Noble
Chris Noble is the founder of MasterWoodsman.com and Woodsmoke Camping Company. A Master Naturalist, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and has worked as a Registered Forester and Certified Burn Manager in several states. Chris is also a Wilderness First Responder and since the late 90’s has been “practicing primitive” skills and taking lessons from numerous Master Woodsmen throughout North America. An advocate for Conservation, teacher of Wilderness Living Skills, and happily married, he enjoys passing what he has learned thus far to others, especially his 2 children, Emerson and Duncan.
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