About Dale Spaht

Dale Spaht's interests are the Outdoors and History, specifically where the two meet. His latest ventures involve woodsmanship and camping in the period from late 19th and early 20th century.

Author Archive | Dale Spaht


American Persimmon

The word persimmon usually conjurers up one of two reactions when brought up.  The most common result is that of the serious pucker factor when tricked into biting into a green fruit.  But to those that know, the memory of a sweet, succulent fruit comes to mind. Diospyros virginiana, or commonly known as the American […]

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Fig 8

How To Haft An Axe by Dale L. Spaht Jr.

So, you’ve come up with an old axe head, or your current axe has a damaged handle, and you want to get it back into serviceable condition.  Here are the steps involved in taking this project on.  (Figure 1) (more…)

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