Better Get Your Mucks On

winter copyI love Winter.  I hate cold feet.  The Muck Boot company has been producing high quality, slip-on, waterproof work boots since I was a teenager.  The ‘Chore’ model have been on my feet for some of the most amazing moments in my outdoors life.

The stories I could tell…

Well, maybe you can stay long enough for just one, eh?

The Bitch

It was January in the Medicine Hills.  With a belly full of coffee and a rising sun warming the frozen prairie, I make my way to tend the cattle.  A cow is away from the herd so I watch her from afar.  She leads me right to the safely placed calf with her eyes like a bad quarterback.  After I sook the herd, I make my way to tag the youngster and get a closer examination.

Oh No!  It’s No. 69’s newborn!  No. 69 is known around the ranch as “The Bitch”.  Although one of the best mothers of the group, she had a blatent disregard for humans.  She would try to eat your lunch any chance she could.

I tried to ease in around a Juniperus virginiana and approach the calf from out of sight of the mother.  The next thing I knew, I was riding a cows head staring at my Muck Boot logo upside down thinking, “Damn boots outlasted me!”  She literally ran around the tree 2 times with me somehow perfectly balanced on her head like a rodeo clown.  She gave me a toss to the side and I tumbled once into a full on sprint followed by a leap onto the bed of the truck.  Must’ve been the boots.  😀

The Boots

The point of the story was twofold:

1. If you’re gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough.

2.  Muck Boots are AWESOME!

Now that I have gotten my point across about the boots, there is a special model that every winter camper, trapper, hunter, photographer, videographer, canoeist, etc. should at least consider purchasing.  That is the Artic Pro Hunting Boot.  It’s a true cold/wet barrier in 1 piece.  No need for puttees or gaiters either.

So if you made it this far, I urge you to take Winter and your feet seriously!  And, if you choose to purchase through the Amazon link below, you’ll be doing a service towards maintaining the Master Woodsman website.'

About Chad

Chad is a Native son of Medicine Lodge, Kansas. A founder of, he spends most of his time in "no man's land," NWOK wilderness!

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